Pack 368 is a parent-run organization and we need YOUR help!
It takes a village to keep a pack running and providing quality programming.
Below are some of the roles you can fill:
Committee Member - These are more or less background roles associated with management of the pack
Committee Chair - Leads the pack Committee and thus is responsible for the administration, oversight, and support of the pack program.
Treasurer - Ensures the pack's finances are sound
Secretary - Ensures proper records are kept within the pack
Advancement Chair - Helps Cub Scouts move through the ranks and transition into a Scouts BSA troop
Outdoor Activity Chair - Helps the Cub Scouts develop a love for the outdoors
Cubmaster - Plan and execute the pack programming
Assistant Cubmaster - Assist the Cubmaster in executing the pack programming
Den Leader - Work directly with Cub Scouts and their parents to execute the Cub Scouting program in the den
Assistant Den Leader - Shares responsibility for den programming